Why say ‘never again’ if we don’t believe it?

Today is Holocaust Memorial Day in Israel.

For two long minutes this morning, as they do every year, sirens saturated the land with their wailing, bringing us all to a halt. On city streets and inter-city highways, vehicles pulled over and drivers alighted to stand by their cars, joining with millions of pedestrians, workers in their workplaces, children in their schools and people in their homes – everyone together, in fact. The exception? Most of Israel’s Arab citizens.

We stood, bowing our heads in silent memory of Six Million Jews – one-and-a-half million of them children – who were gassed and suffocated and shot and burned and torn to death in the heart of Christian Europe just the other day.

In me, the sirens resonate like the condensed screams of the victims – those who were murdered and those who survived to live through long decades of endless torment since.

Also inescapable is the thought that these same sirens last year sounded their warnings as rockets aimed at murdering more Jews winged their way towards Israel’s population centers from the Gaza Strip.

Many countries in the world recognize International Holocaust Remembrance Day on January 15 every year. Our Gentile nations began doing this – somewhat belatedly – in 2005.

But for Israel, every day is Holocaust Day. On the day she was resurrected as a nation, nearly 90 percent of her Jewish population had lost a first-degree relative to the Nazi death machine. Israel’s prime ministers invoke the Holocaust virtually every time they appear before the news cameras of the world.

As thriving and dynamic and hope-filled and miraculous as this nation is, the long dark shadow of the Shoah (‘Holocaust’ in Hebrew) is always over her. And it will be over her until the poison of anti-Semitism is expunged from this world, the threat of annihilation removed to never haunt the Jews again.

Tragically, we Christians are nowhere near to understanding the depth of the jagged wounds (scars very far from healing) that the Jewish people still bear.

Not that we are all totally oblivious – at least not the Christian Zionists among us. In readiness for today, CZ individuals and organisations emailed their lists last night, reminding them of what the Jews will be observing today, and invoking the words “Never again.”

Wrote one in the United States:

“Tomorrow morning at 10:00 am, sirens will wail across Israel. The entire state will stop for two minutes to remember the horror of six million Jews systematically murdered and to remember the world’s promise of ‘Never Again.’ 
It is a promise we need to remember.”

Another in Canada:

“[We remind] all Christians that on Thursday April 16th we will be joining the Jewish community worldwide in remembering the extermination of six million Jews by the Nazis and their collaborators. We remember the tragic silence of all communities, faiths and governments as six million women, children and men were systematically murdered.”

Referencing the threat of genocide posed by a nuclear-pursuing Iran, the statement concluded: “[We stand] with Israel and the Jewish people in demanding an Iran incapable of producing nuclear weapons….‘Never again’ dare not be an empty slogan.”

But as we say this, as we mouth these words, while many of us (including the above writers) may mean it, millions of Christians believe fully in their hearts that another holocaust is on the way for the Jews – one that, in their words, will make Hitler’s horrors pale by comparison.

While I will not name them here (they know who they are) I am talking about some of the most well-known, high profile, pro-Israel Christians in the world.

Many of these men and women reject Replacement Theology and teach widely about the sins historical Christendom perpetrated against the Jews. They condemn – and some have publicly asked Jews for ‘forgiveness’ for – persecution by those in the church who taught that because the Jews ‘killed Christ’ (which they did not – Gentiles killed Him – see Mark 10:33-34) and because of their ‘stubborn’ refusal to convert to Christianity, these ‘stiff-necked’ people would feel God’s anger until they finally recognized and repented from the error of their ways.

While these Christian Zionists might have pulled up the deep tap root of Christian anti-Semitism, many find it hard to identify and own up to having the fibrous roots of that longest hatred still buried in their hearts after centuries of Christian tradition.

Many don’t realise that it is this root of anti-Semitism that informs much popular expectation of what awaits the Jewish people in the ‘End Times’ – specifically an ‘end times’ that sees the Church ‘raptured’ out of the world while the Jews are left behind to go through a second holocaust in ‘the time of Jacob’s trouble.’

If some Christians choose to believe this, convinced in their hearts that it is what is taught in the Bible – they are arguably entitled to their convictions.

But it is a terrible hypocrisy and deception to earnestly message the Jews with the words that, “in your time of need we will never abandon you again,” and, “we will do all we can to ensure that ‘never again’ another holocaust will befall you,” when these words are in direct contradiction with what is clearly believed and preached.

And the most shameful thing? Jews know that, even as we swear our undying commitment to Israel, many among us cling to the view that, when Israel faces her darkest hour*, we will not be here.


* A multitude of Christians – this writer among them – believes Israel has already experienced her darkest hour. We are full of hope for her future.

14 thoughts on “Why say ‘never again’ if we don’t believe it?”

  1. “A multitude of Christians – this writer among them – believes Israel has already experienced her darkest hour. We are full of hope for her future. ”

    Amen. AND how dark it may seem, and how much the gentiles come up upon Jerusalem, The Lord of Hosts is about to stop them, Scripture says. It may not look good, but The Lord never slumbers and never sleeps, the guardian of Israel.

    Gods promises never fails:

    Joh 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. WHOsoever, including the Jews.

  2. Thanks so much , I get so encouraged by your commentaries and excellent insight. I’m so discouraged by so much not being taught in the churches regarding Israel.. We that love prophecy walk a rather lonely road in today’s church. Keep sounding the alarm! Galatians 9:6.
    Blessings and peace,
    Kelby Bruno

  3. Hey Stan,

    Really good words to match the hearts of those who love the One True God and His Son. I am not even going to try to say when we will be caught up in the air with the Lord . What I do know is that God will not leave His Chosen without hope. I believe there will be a day of “Never Again”….just not as long as the enemies of Israel are spreading out and sharpening it’s claws. This is the enemy of all who believe in God and who are against that which has been provided through His Son Jesus. For myself, I will not forget the Six Million murdered In the Shoah. I will not forget the those murdered in the Olympics in Munich; those held hostage and killed on the Achille Lauro in 1985; Sabarro Restaurant bombing in 2001 where at least 15 Jewish people were killed; the shooting/murder of 4 Jewish people at the Hyper Casher supermarket in Paris in Jan of this year, and all the murders worldwide before, between and any after those events listed. Sadly, as such is the case with the Sabarro Restaurant, so many homicide bombings of shops, restaurants, and buses happen in Israel, encluding Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, and Be’er Sheva. We cannot forget, for it has never truly stopped.

  4. remember judas was a jew who betrayed Christ . The Pharisees and the Scribes were the ones who had Jesus Christ Crucified .
    The Scripture says satan inter judas who betrayed Christ.
    So it not the gentiles that persecute the jews . It is your and my enemy Satan .
    I am opposed to the government of the U. S. in the opposition to aiding Israes .
    There are those in the U.S. that follow Satan Doctrine of Anti Semitism .
    The Jewish God is also a protector of both gentiles and Jews alike if they are belivers and follow his Doctrine , Commands. or uses the Mind of Christ in their life .
    If you look at the middle east these people are killing Christians and Jews alike .
    These Christians today are not realizing that we are in a holy war with isalm .
    Other than Prayer to the God of Israel How can an Individual help the nation of Israel .
    When our own government is aid the enemies of Israel .

  5. Stan, I heard you speak at the Simcha Conference at Phillip Island here in Victoria, and was greatly impacted by your message on “Australia in the Valley of Decision ‘ wh,icy I passed on to many of my friends…….now again I am stru.ck by the relevance of your message for our times….I have always been interested in the Prophetic and even more so as we enter these last day, especially in this Year of the Shemitah..2015……
    Thank you for your insight and understanding of these times…so much confusion and error abounds…….I hope that we may hear from you here in Geelong when you visiti in August……blessings Robin Andrews

  6. Count me among the multitude who believes that God shall appear to Israel’s glory and will magnify and glorify Himself in Israel and those who stand and bless her. He will make Himself known in a way that no man can deny that He is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the true and Living God, and that he keeps covenant and cannot lie. He will save His people in such a way that the world will know, from the least to the greatest. Now is the time for repentance and to turn from our vile actions against God’s anointed. Now is the time to bless God’s people anyway that God has enabled you to bless them, via prayer, money, voice, whichever way God is enabled you. The weakest among God’s people will be as King David. Israel shall no more be the tail, but she shall be the head of nations. She shall be a Praise among the nations, so says the Lord. The shall the Kingdom come and healing of the nations. God would that we be either hot or cold, for to be warm is not an option.

  7. Six Million and One
    By Mary Carol McGlone

    I wish that I could turn back the cruel hands of time…
    and undo all the evil that was done
    If I were there back then, would it today be said –
    gone are six million and one
    Or would I have stood by, as so many did, and watched on as
    One by one you walked that death determined path
    Would I have remained coldly silent
    with no protest to your very last
    Watching on while mothers futilely comfort
    their unknowing little ones
    Or would they be able to say today –
    gone are six million and one

    No, I wasn’t there back then…
    and I will never know what I would have done
    But Israel, I am here today…
    even though I am only one
    I won’t with heartless indifference watch on
    as your enemies plan your demise
    I won’t remain silent while the nations
    AGAIN refuse to hear your cries
    Today I must prove to myself just what I would have done
    So today, I will lift up my heart, hands and voice,
    Even though I am only one


    I will bless those who bless you and
    I will curse those who curse you
    – The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob —

    In as ye have done these things unto the least of these my brethren ye have done it unto me
    – The Son of the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and King David — Jesus

  8. Oh Lord, when the time of mercy will be over and Thy judgement comes over this world and its lies and ugly deeds, how terrible will that be! It makes me tremble. Thank you that so many are being saved now, particularly now in the Middle East. Bless those who are pursecuted for Thy Name sake and bless the Apple of Thy Eye, The nation of Israel. Amen.

  9. The hope of the righteous shall be gladness. Set your affections on things above … Galations 3:2 Proverbs 10:28 I believe it is, “Time to favour Zion” Psalm 102:13 and because of this I I am daily praying for the peace of Jerusalem. Psalm 122:6

  10. I join you in rejoicing for what God has in mind for Israel as He loves His chosen people. May replacement theology be repented of in our churches and seminaries and pulpits, coming alongside our Jewish brothers in love and service. God bless you and your family as you tell the Truth always.

  11. Thank you Stan as always. Your commentary is spot on as always. May the Lord continue to give you voice in such a darkened world. You are a beacon of light. As for me and my household, we are in agreement with you.

  12. I am a Christian who studies and reads the Bible daily, however, the only reference to a possible”rapture” (which is a word not found within the Scriptures) comes from 1Thessalonians 4:16-18 which declares, “For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a loud cry of summons, with the shout of an archangel, and with the blast of the trumpet of God. And those who have departed this life in Christ will rise first. Then we, the living ones who remain on earth, shall simultaneously be caught up along with the dead in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air; and so always through the eternity of eternities we shall be with the Lord. Therefore comfort and encourage one another with these words.” -Amplified Bible

    According to Merriam-Webster.com online dictionary, the word, “rapture” means to be in a state of great happiness, pleasure, or love. I am sure you’ll agree that seeing the glorious return of our Lord will be an occasion of great happiness for many people. Furthermore, I deeply miss my grandparents and other family members and dear friends who have went home to be with the Lord and I can hardly wait to see them again!
    Personally, I do not understand much of End Times prophecies and predictions. However, throughout the Bible, God has always protected His nation and people Israel while they dwelt securely “in the land”. And today they are back in and still coming back to the land He gave them. As quoted by the prophet, Amos, “…and they shall no more be torn up out of their land which I gave them, says the Lord your God.” Amos 9:15
    Although enemies have tried to wipe them out and are still hatching plots against them, since becoming a revived nation in a single day in 1948, tiny Israel has stood like David before the Goliath-like Arab forces trying to tear them up out of their land and have won every war
    and quelled every Arab uprising in the past sixty seven years. I do not believe for an instant that God is gathering His people back into their own land in order for them to endure the absolute horror of another Holocaust-like event. I believe He will intervene in any Armageddon-like battle and destroy the enemies of His people, who are really His enemies!
    As the book of Ezekiel attests, “In the latter days I will bring you against My land, that the nations may know, understand, and realize Me when My holiness shall be vindicated through you (enemies of Israel) vindicated and honored in your overwhelming destruction, O Gog, before their eyes.” Ezekiel 38:16
    God is the same God of yesterday, today, and forever. He may tarry for a time but His timing is always perfect and His promises are always kept!

    As far as the “tribulation period” while Israel might be surrounded by enemies homing in on them, what about the thousands of Christians being uprooted from their homes and hunted down and mercilessly slaughtered by Islamic militants in the Middle East and Africa? Israel dwells in relative safety compared to the Christians in countries surrounding them. I have to ask myself, where is the voice of the western Christian church? There are very few organizations and individuals working to help these poor people targeted by these evil terrorist groups and many unsung yet dedicated believers from Europe and America and other nations are risking their lives in order to bring the good news of the Gospel to lands shrouded in the satanic darkness of Islam. By the way, Israel is one of the few nations to open their borders to Syrian refugees seeking medical help and shelter from the ongoing Islamic persecution, yet you never see any reports about this on the nightly news here!

  13. Stan,
    Thank you for your insightful and stirring comments. I always look forward to reading your thoughts and am thrilled every time I receive an email alert that you have posted more of them.

    The scourge of replacement theology cannot be understated. It has been fomenting since the end of the first century. Gentile believers, who had been exposed to Greek thinking their entire lives, discounted the reality of Yeshua’s Jewishness and refashioned Him into something other than He was–the fulfillment of the Tanakh. 2,000 years of erroneous teaching is hard to overcome; but, overcome it we must. You are exactly right when you accuse some of the most influential CZ leaders of talking out of both sides of their mouth with regard to their “unwavering” support of Israel while propagating the satanically-inspired farce of a pre-tribulation rapture for disciples of Yeshua. No one, who is alive at the time, will escape the horrific throes of the tribulation. Those of us who are found under the banner and blood of Yeshua will be spared from the wrath of God.

    I believe that there are darker hours for Israel and the rest of the world in the near future. My prayer is that the leadership of Israel will soon come to the place where they cry out, “Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna!!”

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