Aussie, Aussie, Aussie!

Everyone is wondering what has come over the leadership in the Land Down Under.

Me too, though unlike many observers I’m just thrilled.

The Australian government, under the Liberal Party leadership of Prime Minister Tony Abbott and his deputy, Foreign Minister Julie Bishop, has begun parting ways with the international community, taking a position at odds with every other country on earth on the purportedly most pressing, and for certain most unifying, issue of our day – the legitimacy or otherwise of Israel’s presence in ‘the West Bank’ and ‘east’ Jerusalem.

All the world’s in high dudgeon – especially the Arabs. That’s a good – and to the alert an important – thing.

But what exactly is all the fuss about?

Well, the newly elected government had been in office just two months when it “quietly registered Australia’s opposition to a United Nations resolution ordering an end to ‘all Israeli settlement activities in all of the occupied territories.’”

In case the world had missed that, Bishop then fired a startling shot across the bows of international consensus when she visited Israel two months later – during January of this year – and in an interview in The Times of Israel “suggested that, contrary to conventional diplomatic wisdom,” Jewish communities established in Judea and Samaria “may not be illegal under international law.”

She is right, of course, though the weight of international opinion formed over decades by the big lie* (see footnote at end of article) about the ‘occupied territories’ guaranteed a ribald response from many quarters.

But it was only this week, after Australian Attorney-General George Brandis bolstered Bishop’s statement when he downright refused to refer to so-called east Jerusalem as “Israeli occupied” – saying (again accurately) that to do so was unhelpful to the quest for Middle East peace – that the ‘Palestinian’ pigeons suddenly awoke to find the cat in among them.

And are they in a flap!

“The description of east Jerusalem as ‘Occupied east Jerusalem’ is a term freighted with pejorative implications, which is neither appropriate nor useful,” Brandis said, according to The Sydney Morning Herald (June 6, 2014)

He emphasised that, “it should not and will not be the practice of the Australian government to describe areas of negotiations in such judgmental language.”

Which makes me want to break out in the popular Australian ‘war cry’ – “Aussie! Aussie! Aussie!” which, if you are on board, would have you respond with “Oy! Oy! Oy!” In frantic if delayed reaction – realising how dangerous the Australian hole in the dyke could be to the world’s fondness for its cause, the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO, aka the Palestinian Authority or PA), hastily trundled out its biggest PR cannon – the one it specifically aims at the ‘Christian’ world.

The cannon calls herself a Christian, but PLO spokeswoman Hanan Ashrawi (like so many, many Christians) habitually takes a stand diametrically opposed to what the Bible says about Israel, and her hatred for the Jews knows apparently no bounds.

Her Muslim comrades let her loose when they want to unleash a particularly vicious verbal attack in erudite form.

But when Ashrawi sat down in front of the cameras, she was so beside herself that she nearly overplayed her hand: “It’s absolutely disgraceful and shocking that on the 47th anniversary of Israel’s military occupation of the West Bank and Gaza…Brandis is issuing such inflammatory and irresponsible statements,” she burned, as reported by The Times of Israel (June 6, 2014).

“Such pronouncements are not only in blatant violation of international law,” [wrong** see footnote] “and global consensus,” [can one be in violation of a consensus?] “but are also lethal in any pursuit of peace and toxic to any attempt at enacting a global rule of law.”

Her ironic choice of the words “lethal” and “toxic” didn’t surprise those acquainted with her.

This woman has always been serpent-like, spitting venom and coiling herself orally around any western politician who dares take a stand that is perceived detrimental to the nationalistic aspirations of her Palestinian Arab ‘people.’

Hearing her hate-filled heart, and the other complimentary condemnations by the Jordanian government’s spokesman who said Saturday that it, “rejects Australia’s decision to no longer recognize East Jerusalem as occupied territory,” one is to hope that the Abbott government counted the political cost before deciding to set out on this path. It would be better not to have taken this stand than to make a reversal under fire.

But at the end of the day – it’s not so much the Australian politicians we who love Israel should be concerned about, but Australia’s Christians.

We – Christian Zionists in other countries and here in Israel – should rally around Australia’s true Christians and pray for them. And we should urge and encourage them to in turn come out strongly in prayer and active support for their government, which won’t understand the spiritual ramifications of the stand it has taken.

Without God’s help, Abbott, Bishop and Brandis will, in truth, be unable to stand up to the terrible tsunami of vitriol, condemnation and threatening retribution that is being whipped up against their country. And the confronting truth is that it might well not stop at threats – the Islamic Arab world has well learned the efficacy of terrorism wielded against the innocent public in the democracies it spurns and sees as the Dar el-Harb, the House of War.

Australia, with courage, is placing herself squarely in Islam’s crosshairs. Now in the firing line, she needs bolstering from the non-Islamic world. There is one man across the other side of the globe who has taken spirited steps to stand with Israel and who can offer something tangible in the way of active support – Canada’s Stephen Harper, a bright stand-alone on a world stage crowded with anti-Israel bigots.

Were I to have Harper’s ear, I would urgently propose that Canada under his leadership forge an alliance with Australia under Abbott’s, and form a special “Treat Israel Fairly” (TIF) pro-Israel advocacy group of like-minded governments, inviting the membership of other nations whose leaders may have felt themselves too weak to swim alone against the global tide of anti-Israel fervour.

Riding the wave of its initiative, this group could swing quickly alongside – or pull into its orbit – other pro-Israel political groups and NGOs, to emerge on the world stage as a formidable force shoring up Israel, who is, in these days, prophetically stepping into the light of God’s favour – and buttressing those nations that make the hard choice to stand shoulder to shoulder with Israel against the barrage of lies leveled at her.

The Arab states have, for far too long, had wall-to-wall international support for their immoral and historically baseless cause. They are bullies. Confront them with a united Judeo-Christian front of nations and organizations and perhaps they will finally be demoralized to the point of turning tail and abandoning their dream of destroying the “Little Satan” – Israel, and going after the “Big Satan” – the USA.

On the ground, the range of measures a worldwide initiative like TIF could put its weight behind include: a global PR campaign to demystify the Big Lie of Israeli occupation; the active promotion of tourism to Israel; offsetting the BDS movement by incentivizing member nations and corporations to increase research and development investment in Israel, endorse academic partnerships with Israeli universities, offer business exchange programs and boost domestic import markets of Israeli products.

Israel is destined by God to become the head of the nations – a position she held back in the days of the first son of David, King Solomon. This is her glorious, Divinely assured future.

The Bible is clear – those nations that serve Israel will reap heavenly rewards; those that don’t will perish and be utterly done away with (Isaiah 60:12). In Genesis 12:3 stands the unshakeable foundational Biblical principle where God declares to Abraham concerning his seed: “I will bless those who bless you and I will curse him who curses you. And in you all the nations of the earth will be blessed.”

As Israel is raised to this ordained position, moving fully into her calling to be a light to the world, a fitting picture of her in the prophetic future would be as a lighthouse set on a high hill at the center of the earth, her beam finding and illuminating those nations that have risen out of the mire of global condemnation to take up their positions – as Australia is now doing – on smaller hills around her, to stand with her and receive her light.

“Arise, shine; for your light has come! And the glory of the LORD is risen upon you. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the people; But the LORD will arise over you, and His glory will be seen upon you. The Gentiles shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising.” (Isaiah 60: 1-3)


* The ‘Big Lie’ says that Israel is occupying territory that belongs to the Palestinian Arabs.

It is a BIG lie because:

The territory in question is the land Israel took control of in the Six Day War of 1967.
• None of it has ever been the Palestinian Arabs’ territory. They have never owned it, controlled it, or had it (or any other land) as a national home. They were offered it in 1947 but refused the offer. It is not theirs. Individual Arabs own private property in the “West Bank” – but 98 percent of that land has always been state-owned and controlled – never by the Palestinians.

• Most of the territory Israel took control of in the 1967 war it has given away – Sinai to Egypt, and Gaza to the Palestinian Arabs. The lion’s share of the rest of that territory Israel is not occupying but administering. Israel only annexed two small pieces – the Golan Heights (which was the Jews’ for centuries in the past and which Syria controlled for a mere 21 years) and half the city of Jerusalem – that Jordan previously was illegally occupying according to international law.

** Wrong, because there is no binding international legal ruling agreed to by the rest of the world that Israel is in violation of. Individual countries (like the increasingly anti-Semitic UK), international and regional organs top-heavy with knee-jerk anti-Israel members (the UN, the EU, the ICRC, the Non-Aligned Movement, The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation), NGOs with unbroken track records of anti-Israel animus (Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, B’tselem), they all stand in the prosecution’s corner and regularly cry: “Guilty!” But to quote the good citizen falsely accused of criminal activity: “If you’ve got a case, try me.” Israel is not being charged – just accused and condemned by popular – freighted – opinion. International jurists of the highest standing (Eugene Rostow and Julius Stone) have presented solid – historically verifiable – arguments clearing Israel of any such violations or crimes.

23 thoughts on “Aussie, Aussie, Aussie!”

  1. Wow, what a wonderful reaction of you Stan.
    Let us pray that there will become a TIF and let us hope that there will come more countries to accept this and stand behind ISRAEL.
    Israel we love you and will support you. SHALOM
    from the Netherlands

  2. Great article Stan! I can just imagine the Holy Spirit whispering dictation in your ear as you were writing this encouraging article. Warms my pro-Israel heart. We need to get the TIF tee shirts going internationally and wear them proudly! Will certainly pray for Australia, that God will bless them for their government’s stand with Israel. Been to Australia and love the Aussie’s very much. And Stan, may God bless your fearless and valiant composition on behalf of Israel!
    Yolanda H.

  3. Stan – You had said:
    ‘Were I to have Harper’s ear, I would urgently propose that Canada under his leadership forge an alliance with Australia under Abbott’s, and form a special “Treat Israel Fairly” (TIF) pro-Israel advocacy group of like-minded…

    Me Here: Great idea – why not draw up a letter proposing the TIF alliance to Harper’s administration?

  4. “Without God’s help, Abbott, Bishop and Brandis will, in truth, be unable to stand up to the terrible tsunami of vitriol, condemnation and threatening retribution that is being whipped up against their country. And the confronting truth is that it might well not stop at threats – the Islamic Arab world has well learned the efficacy of terrorism wielded against the innocent public in the democracies it spurns”

    Even though this statement is true, I would not be too worried about our government… if you can withstand the vitriol of the Australian public to get to power in the first place, you will be well able to cop it on the chin from anywhere else… The Lord has our Diggers covered and well prepared :-)) With regards to the terrorist threats you mention…
    You have never seen a more ‘racist’ country on earth till you have seen our nation go ballistic when even threatened in such a way. The islamics in this country already know full well the moment a bombing occurs to shock the nation the civil reaction would be immediate and to such a degree against every islamist in the country there would not be police enough to protect them. So this is why the muslim communities in our nation already understand very well the dire requirement to police themselves and their own communities, for they understand the danger to all of them the moment the trouble starts. THIS is how you make peace in civilised societies by each individual understanding well their Christian responsibility to look out for eachother who are good.

  5. This article should be sent to people in Canada and Australia, and anywhere else, who are able to call together interested groups who would look into the possibilities suggested here – people like pastors, businessmen and women, professors, political leaders, etc.
    Excellent, Stan.

  6. We saints and supporters of Israel here in Australia are very happy that our government has taken a pro Israel stance but we are all too aware that it would only take 1 election defeat of the present government and the anti-Israel agenda would re-surface with the new government. We need to pray for our present government that God in his mercy would allow them to govern for a long time. The current opposition party and the radically immoral, anti-Israel Greens party will certainly take an anti-Israel stance. We need to pray also for our churches here in Australia that God would open the eyes of the pastors and congregations to the truth concerning Israel and God’s plans for her.
    By the way, the response to Aussie, Aussie, Aussie is…………oi, oi, oi (not oy) God bless

  7. Love it!
    How nice to hear that another country has stood up for Israel.
    Loved the article.
    Love you dad!

  8. Hi Stan,
    This is good news. God is dividing the nations and sifting the hearts and minds of man. We have come along way since the Israel my beloved forums. God has brought so many things to pass. It is good to see many standing with the founder of Zionism itself, the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and our Lord and Saviour Jesus , who Himself guaranteed Zion’s future glory with his blood.
    psalms 87:2 The Lord loveth the gates of Zion more than all the dwelling places of Jacob.

  9. The prayers of righteous men will avail much. We need to”:Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem” , they need our desperately need our prayers. we know that satan is appearing as an angel of light ,to deceive the world. President Peres said. “Blessed be he who comes in the name of the Lord’, to the Pope, what an abomination.

  10. Dear Stan,
    As we of the Mennonite-Amish culture are absorbing your teaching, we are amazed at the continual Word of GOD. We who have come to faith in the Christ have always been taught, the Jews have rejected “their Messiah” so we could be grafted in, now as GOD is opening our eyes we need someone to help us understand why God would tell us five time that “And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed” Am I correct, this is the only promise found in the Bible that God repeated five times? Surely there is a significance in this,Ay?

    Wayne Helmuth Rosebush, Michigan

  11. Stan, here again you have been a light to the world around you.Thank you for your insight that YA’HOVAH has given you. May HE bless you and keep you in everything you do.

  12. Oy, Oy, Oy!!!
    Fear not, fear not, fear not!!!
    Thank you to all those who take a ‘Stand with Israel’.
    Abba, we thank you and stand in awe of Your magnificent ways.

  13. Thank you for a very thought provoking article. There are indeed many angles to this story…
    The Pope`s recent visit also should make us think. He gave every appearance of being unbiased which could likely make him the new champion of the “peace process”. But could his ways cause many to be misled about his foundations? I was somewhat startled when pres Perez welcomed him in Tel Aviv with the words of Jesus “Baruch aba beshem Adonai” (Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord) which Jesus said Jerusalem would have to say before it will see Him again!!
    Your comments make me think of Isiah 54:17 where the Lord says to Israel that no weapon formed against them will prosper, adding a condition to the promise : that they refute every tongue (word) spoken against them in justice, saying “this is your inheritance”. The devil also uses words as weapons, but Israel and its friends may not be silent in the face of the lies spoken against them. They (we) should remember that the promise and the instruction comes from the Almighty God, the creator of Israel, personally. Refuting the lies is thus a matter of faith without which it is impossible to please God!
    After all the WORD of God is no little word that can be refuted. It is a powerful weapon.
    So thank you for your faith. May it inspire many.
    Fanus Louw

  14. What a brilliant idea!! To form TIF!!! What exactly stands in the way of establishing such a pro Israel international political body? Czech republic would join in a flash!

  15. Hello Stan,
    Great piece as usual.
    I am one of the Australian Christian Zionists you speak of, and I was so very happy that my Government has spoken up for and on the side of Israel. I will keep up the prayer for my country now as well as yours..may many more Aussies do the same.

  16. Shalom, my brother, and thank you again for saying what so much needs to be said in these hours. Our G-d is not mocked! He has more than fairly warned the nations through His holy prophets, but it is theirs to choose whether or not to listen and obey. Having departed from His Word, they will taste His horrible but righteous wrath for continuing to assault His people and nation, Israel, and His holy city, Yerushalayim. Thank you for speaking to this matter, dear brother! May G-d bless you and yours, and may He bless Canada and Australia for opening their minds and hearts!

  17. God Bless Australia!! God Bless Israel!!! God Bless Canada!!! And God Bless you, Stan, for this terrific article!! I pray that many other nations will join the Biblically sound decisions and statements made about Israel by these Australian and Canadian Governments! The ‘administration’ of the USA has so much blood on its hands for all the harm it has fomented that no amount of bleach could remove it!!

  18. Like you said Stan and I also believe that the whole land belongs to Israel…that land being given to Abraham in the beginning…..we need other countries to stand up like Australian’s are… I have yet to figure out just why everyone hates the Jewish people so….it boggles this old mind… But like it says in the Bible, those who try to take her land from her will meet there come-uppance one day and it just may not be that long… Keep Looking Up !

  19. A Jewish man wanting to be a liaison between those who are Jewish and those who are Christian was surprised how upset American Christians were at Israel giving away land for peace as appeasement. It would be like giving away parts of our own nation to another country to obtain “peace.” That is why I become so angry with our politicians who are so ready to tell another nation where their citizens can or cannot live. I stand for Israel, her totally complete self!

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