3 thoughts on “Australia, seize the day!”

  1. These are important days to be sure. I so appreciate your faithfulness, Stan, to stand at your post, to watch, to pray, and to sound the alarm. With you on the walls…

  2. The L-RD G-d says:
    “I will soon give a signal
    for the nations
    to return your sons
    and your daughters
    to the arms of Jerusalem.
    23 The kings and queens
    of those nations
    where they were raised
    will come and bow down.
    They will take care of you
    just like a slave
    taking care of a child.
    Then you will know
    that I am the L-RD.
    You won’t be disappointed
    if you trust me.”

  3. Shalom Stan. Kudos again for your ongoing vision of Australia’s Light Horsemen leading the charge once more in a rising tide of Embassy moving now nudging numerous nations. Though not yet chiseled in stone, the pot is simmering!

    A most intriguing footnote was ABC TV featuring Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull dancing with Sydney Israelis over Hanukkah!

    Check the URL: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-12-31/turnbull-dances-with-jewish-community-at-sydney-synagogue/8155250

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