Palestine – a done deal?

Some would say the creation of an Arab state called Palestine in the land God gave to Israel is a fait accompli. Palestine looks like a done deal when we listen to the President of the United States addressing the Prime Minister of the State of Israel as he did this week. Among other things*, … Read more

Jews come home

From the walls of Jerusalem I look out into my world – my gentile, once Judeo-Christian, world – and I see how darkness is covering the nations. The light is waning in the West. Watching, I sense an inner cry rise up to form upon my tongue. Mostly muted – anxious not to over-alarm – … Read more

Identity theft

Parasite – a plant or animal that lives on or in an organism of another species from which it derives sustenance or protection without benefit to, and usually with harmful effects on, the host (; a person who receives support, advantage, or the like, from another or others without giving any useful or proper return, … Read more

A winepress, and an ark

‘God is readying His winepress.’ As clear as a bell, the words dropped into my spirit as I heard the news that the P5+1 had concluded their Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action with Iran (JCPAI). It is certain that the USA, Germany, France, China, Russia and the European Union, and all the nations that support … Read more