Jews come home

From the walls of Jerusalem I look out into my world – my gentile, once Judeo-Christian, world – and I see how darkness is covering the nations.

The light is waning in the West.

Watching, I sense an inner cry rise up to form upon my tongue. Mostly muted – anxious not to over-alarm – it grows daily more insistent, more persistent, more intense.

It mounts as I watch country after country move into alignment against the State of Israel.

It rises as I see the world’s nations impatient to appease those who would kill Jews, insisting that Israel’s enemies’ rights be respected, even at the expense of the rights of the Jews.

It rises as I see the world’s most powerful nations gamble with Jewish lives, and with the very existence of the Jewish nation, by tolerating and accommodating those who are vowing to destroy Israel and pursuing the means with which to do so.

It rises as I hear powerful news organs globally distorting truth and cranking out fiction, while they dismiss as ‘a Jewish persecution complex’ Israelis’ fears of terrorism, even as Arab after Arab plunges his or her knife into the necks and backs of Israeli Jews.

It rises as I see artists and academics and students and corporations coming together to boycott Israeli artists and universities, to mark and identify Israeli-made products in an attempt to prevent people from buying them.

Standing on the walls of Jerusalem, I see the massive wave of pro-Arab, anti-Israel pressure that forced bestselling Harry Potter author JK Rowling to unleash a barrage of condemnation at Israel just hours after a letter she signed opposing any such boycotts against Israel.

I hear about the hundreds of ‘university teachers’ who signed a pledge this week to boycott Israeli educational institutions.

I read that the anti-Semitic BDS campaign has been given a boost in Australia by an umbrella organisation representing a range of pro-Palestinian organizations.

I hear the concerned Gentiles as they gather in Cape Town and Sydney and Auckland and New York and Paris and Bonn and London and Dublin, and damn Israel for defending itself against those firing rockets from Gaza at its people, and I hear them crying out, as Theodore Herzl heard them crying out: “Death to the Jews,” “Jews to the gas chambers,” “Death to Israel”…

I see the president of my country, Alfred Zuma, warmly welcoming the leader of the Hamas terrorist organization, Khaled Masha’al, and the African National Congress announcing that, “We are starting a relationship with Hamas…we are happy today we are together, we are formally formalizing our relationship,” and I say to South Africa’s remaining Jews – it’s time. It’s time to go home.

I hear the newly elected leader of the Labour Party in England, Jeremy Corbyn calling Hamas “friends” and wanting to invite leaders of the group to the United Kingdom. Corbyn unsurprisingly refuses to denounce the anti-Semitic rantings of Member of Parliament Gerald Kaufman who says that “Jewish money” funds the Conservative Party, and who asserts that “half” of the Palestinian knife attacks in Israel over recent weeks have been “fabricated” as an excuse to execute Palestinians.

I hear this as the rabidly anti-Semitic BBC yet again propagates the blood libel that Israeli security forces kill Arabs “in cold blood” and in the same breath insists that Israelis’ fear of terror attacks is “paranoia.”

I hear the Obama administration’s by now predictable position that the cold-blooded stabbing and ramming to death of Jews and Israel’s self-defense responses are morally equivalent – calling the murders and the efforts to prevent the murders “tit-for-tat”.

I hear the US State Department spokesman’s barefaced corroboration – and thereby fueling – of the false and murderously inciting Arab charge that Israel has changed the status quo on the Temple Mount.

I see International Criminal Court prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda, welcome “His Excellency, Mr Mahmoud Abbas, the President of Palestine” – honouring the terrorist chief who democratically represents no one, and who is personally responsible for inciting the latest round of murders and attempted murders of Jews, even as she receives from this criminal a dossier of “Israeli War Crimes” and agrees to investigate them.

I see New Zealand’s government totally ignoring Israeli concerns and conceitedly pushing ahead with a draft resolution it wants to submit to the Security Council that will disadvantage Israel and play right into the hands of those at the forefront of the effort to destroy Israel – the Palestine Liberation Organisation.

I see the ousting of Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper – the last international leader to adopt an unequivocally moral stand on the Israel-Arab conflict – and his replacement by a youngster who is expected to take “a more balanced [read pro-Palestinian, and] a more thoughtful (read less pro-Israel) approach” than did his predecessor.

Here, on the walls of Jerusalem, I look out into the increasingly anti-Israel world and the urge to cry out grows and grows until I cannot hold back.

Jews, come home!

Come home, people of Israel!

You must come home.

Lay your plans and make your preparations but please, please ready yourselves to come home!

Come home before the hatred reaches your doorstep.

Come home, before you regret that you did not.

You dare not forget your past – your ever so recent past – when emissaries came from the Land and appealed to you – living as you were in the false security of enlightened Europe – and cried out to you to “liquidate the Diaspora, before the Diaspora liquidates you!”

That time you didn’t heed the call.

Now Your God, Israel, is calling you to come.

Your God has been, is, and will return with favour to your ancient land (Psalm 102:13) which He has used the Gentiles to liberate from Islam and to help restore to your nation.

While your eyes and ears and even your intellect may tell you differently, your God is preparing the land He gave exclusively and forever to your nation as a place of safety and security for the Jews.

Who do you have to believe to believe this? Who do you have to trust?

It is not so much that we who care about you who are appealing to you to come home. You don’t have to trust us – not men, not friends of Israel, not Christian friends of Israel; certainly not me.

Trust in the Lord, Am Israel. Trust in the One who calls you His dearly beloved, His special treasure, the apple of His eye.

Trust in:

The One who promised to preserve you among the nations where you wandered, hated and persecuted, for so many centuries. He has done so.

The One who promised to gather you after all these years, to release you from your captivity among the Gentiles and to return you to your land. He has done so and He is still doing so.

The One who promised to return to your land with you, and to settle you here, on the coastal plain, in the south, in the lowlands and on the mountains of Judea and Samaria. He has done so.

He is the One Who is calling you back to this land. And He has made more promises concerning what will happen to you upon your return.

He has promised to plant you in this land with all of His heart and with all of His soul, and that you will no longer be uprooted from it.

He has promised to restore you to this land to do you good, and that He will not stop from doing you good after you are here.

He has promised to return you to Jerusalem – He has done so – and that He Himself will return to Jerusalem with determination and with fervour (Zechariah 8:2), here to reunite you with Himself.

He has committed Himself to forever changing the status quo on the Temple Mount. He purposes to cleanse and restore true worship of the only true God to that hill. He will do so, against the wishes and the intent of the Islamic world and the international community. And all the nations of the world will eventually recognize to Whom that mountain belongs.

He is trustworthy, completely. All He has promised He will do.

Your God is calling you to come on home.

There is no safe place for you among the nations.

But here in the Land of Israel He will establish you and He will preserve you. Here He will keep you as a shepherd keeps his flock. (Isaiah 40:11; Jeremiah 31:10)

Jews, don’t delay. Don’t stay out there in the anti-Semitic world.

Jews, come home.

Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord is rising upon you.

Darkness will cover the earth, and a gross darkness the nations, but over you, in your land, God is lifting up His countenance.

Over you His light will shine. And eventually, eventually, the Gentiles will come to you as His glory shines over you. (Isaiah 60:1-3)

Lord God of Israel, in the mightiest ways, guard your people and bring them home.

32 thoughts on “Jews come home”

  1. I am a Christian. There may not be many people pro Israel but there are some. We know what that you are chosen people and that Satan is working to destroy you. We know God’s warning to the nations who turn against Israel- and we pray. we pray for you . we pray blessings and protection for the Jews- God’s beloved -and we look forward to the glorious day when Israel is restored , a peaceful place with God dwelling with you. Hold on-” Vengeance is mine says the Lord!” We will keep praying and praying.

  2. Amen Stan. May God restore Israel and bring them home to their land. May God bless you for standing with Israel.

  3. Stan;I have read the comments, and I agree with them all. My heart cry’s for my brothers and sisters all over the world and beg them to go back home where they will be safe. The world is comming against Israel and against our FATHER in HEAVEN.

  4. Thank you Stan for putting into words the big picture as it can be overwhelming to see what is coming against Israel. I have sent this to many as have others. God bless you.

  5. Thank-you and God bless, you put into words so well the cry of my heart with many others, as one of the Watchmen on the wall in the Nations I stand constantly praying that the Almighty will arise in this hour to show forth His Great Power, and for the Jewish people to hear His voice and go home to Israel, to all the intercessors out there. Arise!! Cry out Aloud to the Holy One of Israel, do not Hold back, God Has Spoken in His Word, and He is watching over it to perform all He has Promised, He is Faithful, let us remain faithful,blessing’s.

  6. Read this! It is an excellent summation of the irrational international hatred toward Jews and Israel. When the people of a nation pray for Israel they are praying for their own protection. Pray for Israel.

  7. Isaih 60 is what Jesus was teching in the temple to the rabbis when he was 12 years old.Father God has wonderful plans for our world….
    The future of the State of Israel is in the hands of Almighty God, He has chosen Israel as the apple of his eye and to be His inheritence (Isaiah 19:25) and the Gentiles is to be Israel’s inheritence (Isaiah 54:3), together they will make up an eternal Righteous Holy World ..”and this is the name whereby He shall be called the Lord, our Righteousness.” (Jeremiah 23:6 ) God’s grace appears unto all men, teaching them to hate evil and all appearances of it . (Titus 2:11&12) “Even so come quickly Lord” Revelation 22:20)John 1:3-5″ All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.

  8. Amen! Israel is the number one nation and all who bless Irael will be blessed. All who curse Israel, or the Jewish people, or are in –
    different about them, will be cursed. Choose, because these are the words of Jesus.

  9. Thank you for wording so perfectly what I too see & hear! Weeping for the Jews, crying out that they will go home quickly!
    After this horrendous honoring of Hamas I fear for this country of South Africa too.
    Here many Jews are not realising the danger they are in!
    Thank you Stan, we pray for you & your family too!

  10. Dear brother. It’s a dark picture we (all Bible believing Christians) all see it with you. I am ashamed at the West for its conduct. I am ashamed of Christians who stand idly by and tacitly approve anti-Israel conduct without lifting a hand (penning their names to a protest petition).
    In some ways I’m encouraged believe it or not. The Bible is clear, there shall only be a remnant of the true Christian church here when Jesus returns. Already “the Church” is in rapid decline and only a handful (relatively speaking) are going to welcome Him when he comes. . Your own prophets reveal that Israel will endure just the treatment you reveal here as it to looks forward to the Messiah’s imminent return. As a “remnant” Christian I support you, I love you all as God loves you an declares you “His chosen people” . Fear not, despite this tide of darkness, God is in control, Praise His Holy name.

  11. Amen to that cry Stan! We are certainly in the days of good being called evil and evil good! It is like common sense and eyes to see and ears to hear and hearts to care for truth no longer exist in the secular world. Continuing to pray for you and yours! And of course Israel!

  12. Jeremy Corbyn does not speak in my name. I will love Israel with my last breath but I do agree the world outside Israel is a darkening place for Jewish people. May the word of Ha Shem be fulfilled.

  13. Another heartfelt warning call to Diaspora Jews! The nations of the world where Jews sojourned and settled were havens and resting places, even though being out of the Land of Israel was a curse and punishment. But, the TIME OF THE DIASPORA is over. We now have our own nation, a nation that needs its people. The enemies of the Jews want to destroy our nation! Come now and claim your inheritance. Exodus 23:30 … As we settle/inherit the Land, He will take care of our enemies!

  14. Thank you Stan!!! Jabotinsky would be proud of you!! The blindness on Israel – all over the Diaspora makes me weep – that it seems we cannot learn from history – nor see the signs all over again [in fact worse] under our noses. Blessings out of Zion!!! Gemma

  15. Thank you for this powerful and truthful word. It penetrated to the deepest part of my heart. I felt God touching me through your words. My great grandfather was a Polish Rabbi and he immigrated to USA in the late 1800’s. I now live in Europe and pray for Israel and all that God is doing there. May God bless you and your vital ministry.

  16. Amen, Stan! The nations are aligning against Israel, precisely as the Most High said, through His prophets, they surely would, and antisemitism is once more on the rise virtually everywhere. It’s time for His beloved of Ya’akov’s seed to return home. May G-d bless them, and may He bless you, my brother!

  17. This is too prophecy fulfilled. Amen. Lord God of Israel, show yourself, your power, your love and mercy to your Jewish people. Maranatha.

  18. Brilliant & a totally spot on assessment of what hour we are in. Bless you Stan for still being a voice for truth in the growing darkness

  19. This is Terra from the Wheat Bus. Thank you for speaking truth. I pray for Israel and for your family.

  20. BRAVO!!!! Great job on what is needed to be said, heard and heeded,

    I do have an observation that might be misunderstood by your readers. It has to do with punctuation and use of uppercase vs lowercase. You said,”Now Your God, Israel, (I know you don’t mean that Israel is their God but the God of Israel)is calling you home.” It may have been better said” Now, your God, Israel…”or even better, “Now the God of Israel is calling you home”
    Keep up the great work. Noël Sheldahl

  21. My heart cries too Stan, because Israe will be the only safe place where G-d said HE will not punish the chosen people as they have received double already. Like HE tells us , pray without ceasing and stay in the Word, it is TRUTH , it is the time , the appointed time for the JEWs. G-d bless you and Israel and all the precious Jews that they will heed the call. Shalom

  22. Oh Stan. This is heart breaking beautiful. The world is blinded with darkness but true Bible-believing Christians are with the Jewish people all the way, they are our brothers and sisters and neither is complete without the other. Prophesy is being fulfilled as we stand near helpless and watch. Our weapons are prayer. Shalom~~Dee

  23. It is absolutely heartbreaking to see how the world has turned against Israel. There is no rhyme or reason to it. It is beyond comprehension. People have unthinkingly and injudiciously swallowed what the media has fed them. This is indubitably a spiritual battle. Israel’s only hope is in her God. May He keep her under the shadow of His wings. Fellow Christians, let’s redouble our prayers for our brothers and sisters in Israel! And pray that they will turn to their Lord in their time of need.

  24. Oh Stan…you’ve shared the cry of my heart…to see how our world is becoming more ignorant of the truth of the tiny land of Israel’s existence. However, we know God has His eyes upon Israel. He alone knows when, but our Lord WILL return. We also know things will get worse for Israel before it gets better as I read the scriptures. The glorious appearing of the Lord, and His personal wrath upon those who strike Israel, is not to be regarded lightly. And I know you don’t…and apparently the world does. Praying for Israel.

  25. You are sadly, tragically and truly so right in what you are sharing from deep within. I like others I know match it, word for word and almost see closely ahead the days that we dread, for Israel. My heart cry is – “WHERE IS THE (SO-CALLED) CHURCH ?” In ours, tomorrow evening, we have an Israel Prayer Night and I will bring some of what you share, that we may join with you. Thank you Stan.

  26. My Dear Stan….. Again I read the words from your heart, and am blessed to know that you are there in Israel…..for the Jews! YHWH has indeed promised all you have said, and He does not break His promises! Our timing is not His timing….but His is always perfect!

    Thank you, once more, for your faithfulness and dedication in sending out the truth to many who might not otherwise hear it or understand it.

    Blessings of Shalom…and much love…..

  27. I was so sad when President Jacob Zuma decided to sign that agreement with Hamas. I really don’t think he knew what he was doing. Iets is baie verkeerd. He is just one of many strange voices. Thank you for your insightful, seemingly endless knowledge on everything and anything about Israel. The tour was so good!

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