CZO* – Opposing the Palestinians’ strategic next step

News item: Israel reportedly rejected a Palestinian proposal in mid-2015 to hold clandestine negotiations in which the two sides would outline the future borders of a Palestinian state (The Times of Israel – December 27, 2015).

News item: On December 22, 2015, the Greek Parliament (but not the Greek state) recognised ‘the state of Palestine,’ one day after an exultant Mahmoud Abbas announced after meeting the Greek prime minister that the Palestine Liberation Organisation will in 2016 begin to issue ‘State of Palestine’ passports.

CZO (*Christian Zionist Objective): Praying for the preclusion of Israeli governmental recognition of the ‘1967 borders’ (accurately the 1949 Armistice Lines) as demarcating the precincts of a future ‘Palestine.’

Israel’s official and public recognition of a physical entity with geographical boundaries that will serve as the staked out claim for a future Palestine – this is the PLO’s strategic next step and the imperative part they believe they must get Israel to play in the developing Palestinian parody.** If Israel takes this step, crosses this line, it will be irrevocable and PLO chief Mahmoud Abbas knows it.

On the world stage, Abbas is making major inroads in his effort to turn the fantasy of Palestine into the reality of statehood. The aging individual – whose term of office expired in January 2009 and hasn’t been renewed since – making him a non-elected leader of a non-existent state, a double illegitimacy*** – has been busy signing treaties between ‘Palestine’ and international institutions (15 to date), racking up global support and recognition of ‘Palestine’ (hitherto obtaining 137 nations’ bilateral recognition) and preparing, come the new year, to issue a State of Palestine passport these nations will fall over themselves to recognise.

But Abbas’ immense efforts will remain pie in the sky unless he can get his hands on the land his ‘people’ lay false claim to.

His coin has two sides, and he has called both heads and tails:

Heads – Secure a binding United Nations Security Council resolution that will order Israel out of the ‘occupied territories’ within the next year or two and/or

Tails – Get Israel’s leadership to recognise the borders of the future Palestinian state – the 1948 armistice lines Abbas and Co. speciously call the “pre-1967 borders.”

On the first score Abbas has come close. Almost precisely one year ago – on December 31, 2014 – only a courageous Australian ‘no’ vote prevented the passage of such a resolution without the need of an American veto to block it.

This year both France and New Zealand (among others) have been drafting their own versions of such an ‘Israel-eviction resolution’ which one or both plan soon to present to the UNSC (of which Australia is no longer a member).

Ducking and weaving to elude the incessant barrage of international pressure to do so, Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu remains resolved to not accord a recognition that would give the triumphant Arabs their long sought fait accompli.

He knows that Israel’s acknowledgment of any borders will grant legitimacy like nothing else to the Arab assertion that they have national rights to this land.

Jerusalem Watchmen can prayerfully position themselves in the battle for God’s purposes for Israel by:

CZO#1 – Calling on and pressing our governments to refrain from unilaterally recognising Palestine.

CZO#2 – Sending salty**** prayers heavenwards, calling for the Almighty to divinely prevent Israel from acquiescing to demands that it recognise the borders of a Palestinian state anywhere in the biblical land of Israel.

CZO#3 – Petitioning God – and I believe we should have been doing this long ago – to bring about the extension of Israeli sovereignty over Judea, Samaria and Gaza in whatever way He chooses. Pray for the growth of the pro-sovereignty movement that is gaining adherents among Israel’s politicians and members of government. And call on God to align Christian Zionists in the nations in solidarity with this pro-Sovereignty campaign.

Let us in this way stand against the Palestine Liberation Organisation’s diabolical design, and the devilish deception it employs as it seeks desperately to secure such recognition from Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu. On our knees and in actions, let us do everything within our power – in His power – to keep Israel from acquiescing to the borders of a future Palestinian state.


** Parody because there is no State of Palestine nor is there any leader elected to ensure the ‘rights’ of the people who make up this non-existent nation.

*** Not only is the progressive world pushing for and even demanding the creation of a racist anti-Semitic Palestinian state carved out of the Land of Israel (and emptied of every Jew, according to the Palestinian Authority) but it is also allowing the continuation in office of a man who has no democratic right to be there, and one who has no democratic credentials. The hypocrisy couldn’t be more glaring.

**** The Bible tells us that God’ authorizes and enables His people to exercise authority over national leaders. (Psalm 149:5-9) Jesus says His followers are to be the salt that preserves the earth (Matthew 5:13), not the sugar that prays sweet, lackluster prayers over it.

7 thoughts on “CZO* – Opposing the Palestinians’ strategic next step”

  1. Obama’s predecessor, Bush, along with Condaleeza Rice convinced Ariel Sharon to give “land for peace” and it got Hamas in Gaza a year later after over 8,000 Jewish citizens were removed from their LAND! With that disgraceful action, America received the ongoing “curse” of Obama…

  2. As I read both your article and the comments, I too felt that this is beyond sinful man’s power thro’ so-called negotiations. My prayer is that our unique and only God is able to do above all that we ask or think – “Neither know we what to do, but our eyes are on You.” Hallelujah.
    Thank you Stan for keeping your eyes and ears open to keep us informed through your God-given gift of clear reporting and discernment.

  3. Greetings Stan from sunny and blustery Sunshine Coast . I totally agree with your blog and also the comments. I do uphold Israel in my prayers every day and your family. The pity of this discussion is that it seems to have an audience who understands the issues. Not that I think the majority of the world who really need to read this even cares about Israel . I really don’t understand how intelligent , so called, people, are hoodwinked by the lies of Abbas and the PLO. I do agree that our prayers are even more important now. We know the end of the story , thank God, but there is alot that has to happen between now and then! God bless you Stan and your lovely family! with love, Denise

  4. Dear Stan
    I thank God for you for having opened our eyes when we were in Israel in October. when we went there we were blind to the truth about the rights and state of Israel. Since we return from Israel we have begun to pray for Israel’s strength and protection. Every Sunday and in our private prayers we plead with God to be with His nation Israel. This is the only thing we can do because we do not have money to support Israel fight his enemies. May God bless you Stan for the good work you are doing over there.

  5. Dear Stan, this is a great article. I hope it would be the will of God to never let Israel be deceived be a progressive world seeking to impose a false peace upon Israel by recognizing a Palestinian state. Let all things Praise the Lord. Psalm150:1-6. God bless Israel. Bless you Stan in the New Year. Take care my friend… In God’s Love.

  6. So good to read your newsletter Stan…. We will be praying, standing on His Word and agreeing with you in prayer. God bless you and yours.
    Carole and Col

  7. Stan, my impression, based on the Australian reason for voting against the UN resolution you mention, is that any determination of borders must be by agreement between Israel and the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) , ie they must negotiate and come up with a mutually acceptable solution. The UN Resolution 242 has as one of its principles for the establishment of a just and lasting peace in the region, that there must be ‘respect for and acknowledgement of the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of every State in the area and their right to live in peace within secure and recognized boundaries free from threats and acts of force’.
    Well firstly, the PNA and in fact none of the Islamic states in the Middle East region have recognized Israel as a State, to the point where school atlases do not include Israel.
    Secondly, the actions of the Palestinian Authority, neighboring Arab states, Hamas and others have demonstrated, over the years since 1948, anything but a peaceful attitude towards Israel. In fact they have publicly stated that their aim is to destroy Israel. If Israel were to give up the West Bank and the Golan heights, it is obvious that Israel would be torn apart with the combined efforts of the surrounding Arab States. Israel would have forfeited its ‘right to live in peace within secure and recognized boundaries free from threats or acts of force’, a right established by Resolution 242. Israel would be crazy in the existing climate to give up these areas. So what to do? Realistically there can never be a two state solution. I believe that only God can resolve this problem, and He will do it in Israel’s favor, probably in a way that we would never guess. I believe that Israel should stand firm, and not cave in to International pressure to negotiate with the PNA, who would HAVE to recognize Israel, being implicit in their request for negotiation. And Israel, by entering into negotiations would be implicitly recognizing that they trust them and would be under great international pressure to make unwise concessions. But in the act of public recognition of Israel, would the Arabs do so in their hearts, and behind closed doors? Highly unlikely. Taquiya, or deliberate deception is well established and a tenet of the Islamic faith. If there were to be an agreement to a two state solution based on pre 1967 boundaries, the PNA would immediately be plotting to use this land to launch deadly attacks on Israel. That is why Israel must never enter into negotiations with the PNA. I believe the answer to this intractable problem is God power. We must pray and pray that He will deliver Israel from its enemies, and grant it peace.

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