I Have a Dream – Unfolding

“Thus says the Lord of hosts: ‘In those days ten men from every language of the nations shall grasp the sleeve of a Jewish man, saying, “Let us go with you, for we have heard that God is with you.”’” (Zechariah 8:23)

I have a dream.

It is a dream about a nation.

It is about a people gathered back to their own land from the slave galleys and circuses of Rome, from under the swords of Crusaders, from the burning stakes and forced baptisms of the Vatican’s Inquisition, from the decrees of banishment from country after country after country, from the charges of the Cossacks, from their forced exile beyond the Pale, from the pogroms of Russia and Eastern Europe, from the sealed doors of the Nazi gas chambers and the iron doors of the crematoria…

I see the remnant of the Jewish people gathered together in the land from which their forefathers were dragged in chains 2000 years ago – a land abused and neglected and left to rot by others who controlled it. I see the land coming to life as they drain and plant and build and grow and establish and conquer and overcome – resurrecting their land and recreating it as a viable, beautiful, productive, world-impacting reality in the center of the earth.

Out of this land came the law and the prophets and the covenants, the moral foundations of Judeo-Christian nations; from this land and nation we received the Lord, His Apostles and martyrs. Like an unstoppable generator – the land poured out these blessings upon the nations. For 2000 years the Christian world has carried the legacy bequeathed us by the people of this land – all wrapped up in the words and pages of the only truly holy book on earth – the Bible.

This incomparable nation with its glorious history is being restored to what it was once before.

I see darkness gathering around the dream.

I see the hostility to the ingathering of the Jewish people to their land – hostility from neighbours inside and around the land, and hostility from peoples and nations the Jews have left behind. While they lived among these nations this hostility touched them in prejudice and anti-Semitism and violence; now that they are moving away and being reconstituted as a nation in their own land, this racist bigotry threatens them as anti-Semitism in its new form – anti-Zionism and anti-Israelism.

I see the dream valiantly rising against the darkness.

I see the regathered Jewish people fighting to stand against those inside and around them who seek their destruction – those who want to drive them into the Mediterranean Sea. I see them fight and I see them win against tremendous odds, against overwhelming numbers that should have seen them obliterated and have in the past brought them to the very brink of destruction.

I see the regathered, thriving, increasingly prosperous nation in its land – contributing way beyond its numbers to the most important trends of development across the entire earth.

In antiquity, their contribution to the world that impacted untold millions in every nation was the Bible. Back in their land after almost two thousand years of roaming, their contributions to improving the lives of untold millions around the world is mind-boggling. In awesomely positive and beneficial ways the Jews are shaping the world that our children and our children’s children will grow up in.

I see the dream faltering in the face of the forces against it.

I see the regathered, reconstituted Jewish people besieged by diplomatic pressure from every side, resisting, even as they continue to build on the ground, resisting, even as they make concessions to show their good will and desire for peace. Resisting against the solid wall of international opinion and pressure that is pushing them to leave the land they have returned to, resisting, even while smiling and trying to keep the friendships of those who insist they are her allies. Resisting, but slipping slowly, metre by painful metre towards the edge. It will mean the loss of their most recently restored strategic high ground for the creation of another enemy state. It will mean the reversal of all they have achieved after their centuries of exile and persecution, and after decades of renewal and growth.

I see awakening from far away. I see help coming to the dream.

I see Christians caught up in their own thing.

I see – here and there – Christians looking up from their Christian issues and Christian selves, turning to look towards the centre of the earth and slowly waking to the realization that the world is trying to stop what God is determined to do.

I see Christians slowly being roused to realise that their God is looking for those who will stand in the gap – who will do what we expect others to do, what we insist politicians do, and cry about bitterly when they don’t do it.

I see Christians waking up, and standing up, gathering together and beginning to raise their voices, lifting their voices to send a message that grows in strength and volume and conviction to their presidents and prime ministers, their kings and their queens.

“The land belongs to the Jewish people. It was given to them by God, established under them by God, held in trust for them by God when they were not in it, restored to them by God, and destined by God to be their homeland forever.

“Your efforts as our governments and leaders to take their land from them and give it to another people is unjust and immoral, and flies in the face of the purposes of Almighty God. He is not blind or oblivious to what we are doing. For the sake of our nation, cease and desist from your efforts towards a two-state-solution, and enable and encourage the Jews to complete their return and apply Jewish sovereignty once again to all the land they have been returned to.”

I see the dream underpinned, strengthened, given support and new life.

I see the embattled Jewish people – the ordinary people in the streets, the policy makers and the leaders of the government – lifting up their heads and pricking up their ears, turning to look with eyes wide with amazement and glistening with tears out to the north and the south and the east and the west, across the oceans to the gentile nations of the world, hearing with astonishment the voices of men like you and me urging and encouraging them to take that stand and to possess their land.

“Israel – stop! Stand on your land. Rise up. Go in and possess what is yours. For as it was the Lord who gave this land to Abraham and to Isaac and to Jacob, and established it under Joshua and the judges, the dynasty of David and the devout leadership of Nehemiah, so it is the Lord who has given it back to you.”

I hear the voice grow louder and louder with encouragement : “Rise up and possess the land Israel. Do not be afraid. Rise up and possess the land, and see how the Lord your God will fight for you.”

I see the Jewish people back in their land – many without faith in God, many without a personal relationship to their God – embattled by everyone in the world, unable to do what they have to do because of the opposition of the world, because they believed they were alone. I see them astonished and amazed at the international Christian cry exhorting them to possess their land. I see them turn to their leaders and say, “It’s okay, we can go ahead, we can do this. Look at the millions of Christians who will support us in their nations. They are standing with us. They are strengthening us. Let’s do what we have been enabled to do. Come, let us go in and possess the land.”

I see the dream – except that it is not a dream. It is not a hope or a whim or a wish. It is not even a prayer – although I will pray this dream into everlasting reality.

It is God’s purpose. It is the foreknown and foretold plan of God for His people Israel and the body of believing Gentiles who will cleave themselves unto her as Ruth did to Naomi.

And unless we Christians open our eyes, shake off the complacent cobwebs, stop pursuing personal prosperity and refrain from attending in droves the speculative and self-focusing ‘end time’ prophecy conferences; unless we take our eyes off ourselves and fix them on Israel – the apple of God’s eye – imparting to them our faith in their God and exhorting them to claim their inheritance; unless we point to all the miracles that have been done to preserve them and to return them and to restore them in their land, and say to the people of Judah, “Behold your God!” – we will sleep through it all, and we will miss the most momentous thing that is happening in our day.

In a play on Theodore Herzl’s famous words as he peered into the future towards his envisaged Jewish state, “If we believe it – and act – it is no dream.”

26 thoughts on “I Have a Dream – Unfolding”

  1. So,so beautifully written…..I could see it as a time laps film! The ebb and flow of the Jewish people, from place to place, time after time, blessing to world over and over even as they are persecuted and driven. All the time though God was making a way and using them , even through their sorrow and pain to bless,bless,bless the whole world! What an awesomely beautiful picture you painted! Thank you!

  2. Yesh!!! Wonderful article, Stan. Thank you for sharing and summing up reality in such a concise and beautiful way. In truth, Israel is G-d’s own dream, heart and vision. One that He is busy unfolding and materializing in this generation. We are blessed to be a small part of it, together – both Jews and those Christians with true hearts for the God of Israel, His Land and His people.

  3. Stan, I wish that I could express my feelings as well as you do. But, I agree whole heartedly with you and am so blessed by your posts and to read the accompanying comments by others who are also in agreement. I love the nation of Israel. I am so blessed to live in this time that sees Israel being brought back into the land. I support Israel and only wish to know more ways that I can support them. I read your posts with that in mind. G-d Bless Israel and G-d bless you.

  4. stan;Oh! how I look forward to your article’s.I have always stood for Israel, because this is what my Mother taught me.That all the land that Ya’HOVAH gave to Abraham is Israel’s and it isn’t to be given away or solded. YAH bless you and keep you in all you do.YAH has giving you a great gift, and you are useing it with wisdom and understanding. Jeri

  5. Brilliantly written, Stan. You are truly fulfilling your God-given destiny as you SHOUT and PROCLAIM the TRUTH from God’s Holy city, YERUSHALAYIM and HIS LAND FOREVERMORE, YISRAEL !!!!! May He continue to strengthen, protect and give you and your precious FAMILY, SHALOM !!!

  6. Shalom Dina – and you other Aussies that are reading this. Just to let you know that I will – God willing – be headed Down Under towards the end of November – embarking on a speaking tour of your country to convey the burden for Australia at this time that the Lord has put on my heart – and to share my belief that a special ‘Esther moment’ for your country has arrived. Please be in touch with me at [email protected] if you would like me to speak at a venue near you – or should you want to see my itinerary when it firms up. Blessings – Stan

  7. Yes Stan, I am with Israel all the way! In good times and bad times, and now more than ever, for they need us more than ever. And yes, we are making a difference in our nations (mine is Australia) talking to our politicians.
    But above all lifting our voices up high to our King, to our El Shaddai, for only He can turn their sorrow into joy. Am Yisrael Chai !!

  8. I read this article and the very blood in my veins ushered a “YES! YES!” A daydream that I have,….I am on the threshold of Heaven, thanks to the Blood of Yeshua, and the doors are opened. I hear a crowd behind me,….my Jewish brothers & sisters in Messiah, and I place one hand on the door and keep it open, content to enter behind them. Their faces are full of joy and radiant happiness because they know their King! And I am exultantly happy, just for the privilege of holding that door. I did not supercede the Promise; I was grafted in. Elohim’s kindness is overwhelming. Dearest Abba, that Your people will come to see You and what You have done through Your Son, Yeshua! I will stand by the Jewish people until my last breath. If there is a door to the entrance of the New Jerusalem, I pray to the God of Israel that I may have the privilege of helping to hold it open for His chosen.

  9. I agree with Chaya, it will only be a small minority which will stand with Israel, Praise the Lord that He never work with big numbers even in the time of Gideon, so that it will only be the Lords Greatness and Holiness which will be seen. May we be counted worthy to be that minority.

  10. We must be earnest in our prayers and “Give Him no rest until He establishes and makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth”… Isaiah 62:7 Then we will have security on this planet, we must be doers of the word of God…….What is sin,?, the word of YHVH/Jesus tells us in 1John 3:4 sin is going against Go’s word, and it only leads to death. James 1:15 We must be hearers and doers of God’s eternal word. John 1:1 “In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God,” John 1:14 “The word was made flesh to dwell among us.” John 14:6 “Jesus said I am the truth, the way and the life(Chaya)and no man can come to the Father but through me”. Jesus told His Jewish disciples before He left this earth, “Up until now you have ask nothing in my name”…, from now on when you pray ,pray to the Father in my name and the Father which is in heaven will hear your prayer and answer you. John 16:24

  11. I have always loved the Jewish people. Learned about them in Sunday school as a child. I am watching with great interest the the things happening in the Middle East and the whole world. Prophecy Update helps a lot. I can’t wait to see God win the war against satan. It could happen soon. Wonderful article!

  12. America would not have been here, but for Jews! Columbus is reputed to have been an Italian Jew, looking for a new land for the Jews of Spain, who were under an ejection edicate by the Queen of Spain, either leave Spain or be killed! Jews got together the funds for the ships and crews that sailed and found America! Then in 1776, when General Washington was bogged down at Valley Forge, out of warm clothes, weapons, ammo, and other essentials for his troops, God moved on a Jewish man named Solomon to go o the Jews and gathered over $!,000,000.00, gave it to General Washington, which turned the war in our favor. Now America has forgotten our heritage of: “in God We Trust,” took God out of government, schools and even elected a Muslim as President. America WILL go they of Northern Israel, unless we can beg forgiveness and get back to God. America has 6.6 million Jews, this is more than Israel has. Israel only has 6.1 million; however proud America is about to know how it is to be disbursed as slaves around the world, unless we Repent and God receives our sincere plea for help. Bible studies at http://www.iachurches.org are free downloads, use them with my permission, as long as they are not changed. I am 75 years old and have been preaching since I was 14 in 1954. Pastor Jerry

  13. My feeling exactly, Israel, stand up and take possession of your land…Don’t let anyone take it from you or try to divide it up…It all belongs to God who gave it to you in the beginning….

  14. I am a Son of God, no longer able to identify with the complacencies & inconsistancies of Christiandom.
    I stand with Israel, will fight with Israel, & WE WILL NOT GIVE UP until She is Established as the Brightness of the Noonday.
    There is Jewish Blood in my veins and in my body the DNA of my Father G-d.
    We will establish HIS WILL ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN!
    Than you Stan again for being a Voice!

  15. Israel is my heart. If people would search the scripture they would see how G-d has all these plans for Israel and the Jewish People. Micah 7:19 and many other scriptures is it plain that HE will again have compassion on the Jews. Forever means forever. those who believe the truth and stand with Israel and the Jews is to be doing what the Holy Spirt is saying and it is being fulfilled in our day. He will be with them forever and it is not far off. I have not been able to go there to visit but have been blessed by sending the people to get them from the nations. It blesses my heart so much. G-d bless you Stan and all the people who see the truth and stand with Israel. and lets keep trying to make all people see the beauty in standing with their brothers and sisters there..Shalom

  16. What a beautiful post! My sentiments, exactly, Stan! I stand with the nation and the people of Israel forever! Shabbat Shalom! Have a great weekend!

  17. As always, Stan,….. from God’s heart to yours! \o/ My tears mingle with the many others who have that dream. We pray for our “blind” friends to see it and also hold it as their own. Shalom, shalom my dear Friend.

  18. It is beautiful what you are writing Stan !!
    Yes, Israel, stop dithering and listening to evil men. Retake the Land that has been yours through the Lord for almost 4000 years, and stand on it firm and fearless.

  19. I love the revelations that the HOLY SPIRIT gives you Brother. As we prepared to come to Israel this last month, the SPIRIT said, “I have been bringing my people back over these years, now I AM about to greatly accelerate the gathering in. I sent out fishers and now I am sending out hunters. My people have been loving the leeks, the cucumbers and the melons where they are but I AM going to bring them now!”

  20. Stan, this is a lyrical, poetic and prophetic echo of my heart, too! Standing in the gap for my people, for my land, and on behalf of my God and Savior, Yeshua!

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