Sleeping at the wheel

How dispiriting it is, listening to so many Christians who profess to stand with Israel criticizing this nation and its leaders for not claiming ‘the occupied territories’ as their land, for not rejecting all Arab pretenses to these lands, for succumbing to pressure from American and European heads of state to negotiate their surrender for a Palestinian state.

I get embarrassed on our (Christian) behalf with the irate dishing out of instructions about how Israel should do this to the Hamas and how Israel should do that to the Hizb’allah and how Israel should do the other thing to Iran.

We wring out hands and wonder why, oh why, can’t Benjamin Netanyahu show a little more backbone, a little more chutzpah, a little more courage.  We ask a lot of stupid questions and make uninformed statements as if they were reasoned facts.

And we ask the dumbest question of all: “Why doesn’t Bibi just trust God?”

Shame on us.

I am almost at a place of despair wondering at what point we Christian Zionists will realize that when it comes to helping Israel where she needs us most at this time – in the taking possession of her biblical heartland and in the crushing of her sworn enemies – it is we who have dropped the ball, and not her?

I am talking specifically about our generation of Christian Zionists.  Those of us who have declared our rejection of millennia of Replacement Theology and, with contrite voices and penitent tears, have sworn that we will never again forsake the Jewish people in the face of their foes.

We have done – and continue to do – precisely that.

On the one hand, we proudly proclaim that we are a part of the glorious – though never mainstream – Christian Zionist tradition that prepared for and assisted in the homecoming of the Jews.

On the other, we are too blind to see that, at the most critical juncture in this whole physical restoration process, just a few short years ago, our movement broke sharply away from its most enduring and important precept – support for the mutual reunification of the people and the land (see second article on this subject, ‘Because We Believed’) – leaving Israel to stand alone in the face of wall-to-wall international insistence that she surrender her Divinely-restored land.

The evil one has been fighting frantically for 130 years to thwart the unfolding restoration of Israel.  For him, Israel’s restitution spells the final countdown to the end.

Before the creation of the modern Jewish state, Satan’s aim was the destruction of the Jewish people in the Diaspora – a goal he came frighteningly close to realizing in the last century just before the State of Israel was born.  He used the Ottoman Empire, the British betrayal of its mandate and closure of Palestine to Jewish immigration, and Hitler’s Nazis to try and stop God’s plan. He failed there, but since Israel’s national rebirth, his ongoing objective has been the destruction of the Jewish state.

To achieve this, the enemy has effectively been wielding one primary weapon.  And it is not the obvious one.

From 1991 to 2014, in my hearing, Israel’s successive prime ministers have all warned about the threat of a nuclear Iran. Netanyahu delivered the admonition again in his authoritative address to the United Nations General Assembly on September 30, 2014.

But, with all due respect to the prime minister, while Iran is a clear and exceedingly serious threat that must be countered and neutralized, it is not, in my convicted opinion, the most present danger.

In fact, I see how the Iranian menace has been something of a red herring detracting from the de facto deadliest hazard that for nearly a quarter of a century has been looming over Israel – the peril of a Palestinian state.

For more than 25 years the world, led by the United States, has been inching towards – and despite numerous obstacles, never away from – the creation of this Islamic ‘State of Palestine.’  The territory earmarked for what would be the 23rd Arab state is the precise geographical area featured in the book of Genesis as the heartland God gave to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob 4000 years ago, and to which – against all the odds – He returned the physical offspring of those Patriarchs in June of 1967.

That Six Day War was celebrated to a man by Christian Zionists the world over as a miraculous act of God that, for the first time in over 2000 years, restored the Golan Heights, Gaza, Samaria, Judea and, most of all, the ancient city of Jerusalem with its Temple Mount to Jewish control.

For a few decades, in the best tradition of our Restorationist forebears, we encouraged Israel to settle this land, and we stood against the world’s efforts to try and force Israel off it.  We gave critical coverage to the stacked-deck anti-Israel ‘land-for-peace’ process that began at Madrid and continued via Oslo.  We lobbied lawmakers and took out full-page ads in mass circulation newspapers, gave radio and television interviews, held demonstrations and rallies, and were consistently vocal and visible in our rejection – as Christian Zionists – of the efforts to create a Palestinian state at Israel’s expense.  As the post-Oslo Agreement violence against Israel’s Jews mounted our voices grew louder, our denunciations of the bankruptcy of the ‘peace process’ became only more pronounced.  Brand new pro-Israel organisations were launched off the back of this effort to oppose the forceful attempts of our western governments to pressure Israel along this road.

We drove by the thousands in long convoys of buses over the rolling hills of Judea to Hebron, where we stood outside the pantheon of the Israel’s founding fathers –Abraham, Isaac, Jacob – and let both Jew and Arab in the city know that we supported the return of Jews to this ancient first capital city of the Davidic dynasty.

We stood as Christian Zionists outside Rachel’s Tomb in Bethlehem and messaged Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin to not give the first city of David and the birthplace of the Messiah away to the murderous, anti-Semitic PLO.

Then suddenly, even before the horrific upsurge in terrorism that began in 2000 and tore through swathes of Israelis in what was called the Second Intifada – our voices grew uncertain, then muted, then still.

Caught unprepared by President George W Bush’s embrace in 2002 – during the height of this Palestinian pogrom – of the two state solution, and then flummoxed by the Israeli government’s eventual and resigned embrace of this two state policy, we allowed ourselves to be silenced by a handful of Christian Zionist leaders who suddenly began to preach a new message – “For sinful Israel there is no right of domicile in their promised land.”

Inexplicably, one of our most influential voices on the Christian Zionist map stood up and proclaimed without adequate explanation and context, that it is “naïve to stand on God’s word about the land bequeathed to Israel when she is unfaithful to God.”

The timing of this!  After Jews by the hundreds had just been blown to bits in the violent throes of the very battle for this land!

Tragically, this teaching infected organization after organization.  And as Ariel Sharon – who shortly after coming to the Prime Minister’s Office had informed the world that he equated the ‘land-for-peace’ process with the betrayal of Czechoslovakia to the Nazis – radically altered his stance and moved to uproot 10,000 Jews from their homes in the Gaza Strip – and to give that land to the Arabs – the Christian Zionist world had “nothing to say about land-for-peace.”

Today, virtually to a man, Christian Zionists are doing nothing to try and stop the God-rejecting world’s relentless efforts to force Israel to give up that land.

But it was for this very purpose that God raised us up!

The leadership of an American Christian Zionist umbrella group that was founded in 2006 – after the Gaza Disengagement – and that today claims to be the largest pro-Israel organization in the United States and one of the largest Christian grassroots movements in the world, clearly states that it “has never taken a position against a two state solution [and] supports the [land-for-peace] positions of the democratically elected government of Israel.”

Out in the nations, and here in Israel, groups that identify themselves as Christian Zionists are involved in all kinds of programmes to comfort the Jewish people.

All of these things are good, wonderful in fact – don’t misunderstand me.  These programs are showing the Jewish people the demonstrable love of Gentile believers in a way some of them (the Jews) have never known in their lives before.  Wherever their work reaches, Jews are learning that true followers of Jesus are not their enemy.

They are love, but they are not Zionism.

Zionism is about the land.

All of our feast events and drama productions and social assistance programmes for Holocaust survivors and new immigrants, all our educational efforts, global days of prayer, and protests against anti-Semitism in our city squares are well-meaning, but have done nothing to slow what began as a slither but has long ago become a massive global thrust aimed at re-dividing Israel’s land.

And what is the purpose of this re-division?

It is to reverse the restoration work that God is undertaking in our day.

Wretchedly, while the enemy has the creation of Palestine as a primary theatre of his war against the Almighty, Christian Zionists have abandoned their posts and deserted the field of battle.  We may be fighting in other areas, but we have fled the front line.

For on the question of land-for-peace we still have little if anything to say, “because the two state solution is the policy of the democratically elected Israeli government.”

This, then, my brothers and sisters, is where we have fallen flat on our faces.

We have left the pure steam of Christian Zionism and have become entangled in a complex theological conundrum (involving Israel’s land issues) which renders us impotent.

As earlier Restorationists and Christians Zionists were always positioned, we are supposed to likewise be at the forefront in this battle.

This is key: As we did in history, we are supposed to go before Israel, because to move into the land requires faith, and most Israelis are devoid of this type of faith. (The relatively small percentage that have strong faith – many of the much maligned Jewish settlers – are out in the land.  And we Christian Zionists should be applauding and supporting them to the exact opposite degree to which they are being vilified and libeled and hated by the world.)

Decisions taken by Israel’s government should not dictate the path Christian Zionists follow.

Because we view Israel through eyes of love and compassion, we are permitted to be concerned about the choices she makes, and there are even appropriate times for us to quietly appeal to her to take a different course.  And because we understand that Israel makes these decisions with its eyes on Washington and the rest of the international community rather than on the Lord, we should be understanding of her reasons rather than quick to denounce her decisions.

Israel’s position is made with reference to pragmatic political considerations and, in a horizontal way, with the survival of the nation that has become almost an endangered species.

We are not affected by such humanistic reasoning.  God is good to His word.  And He is looking for those who will stand in the gap on behalf of His beloved nation, still unfaithful but now well on the road to restored faithfulness.

Biblical Zionism in its pure form is the return of the Jews to their land in order that they can be returned to their God.

Have we forgotten that it is the very return to the land, the return to the city of Jerusalem, and ultimately – according to Ezekiel – the return to the Temple – that will be instrumental in turning them to their God?

This is God’s plan!

The confronting truth is that we Christians Zionists have taken our eye off this goal.  We have fallen asleep at the wheel.  And unless we wake up and return speedily to the position we should never have abandoned, I am afraid we will end up having shamefully failed in our calling, and having failed the very nation we were raised up to help.

Worse yet, we will have failed their God, and ours.

17 thoughts on “Sleeping at the wheel”

  1. Stan, I recently was inspired to write an article for my local church on how G-d and his prophet Moses took out the superpower of his day at the Exodus miracle. Egypt was utterly devasted. I know that He can do his own work, in His time. The prophecies are spoken and written. They will be fulfilled to the letter. We just need to follow His inspiration and do our part. Well done for standing firm in the faith all these years. G-d bless.

  2. Stan I pray faithfully that Israel is blessed and takes ALL of the land that God gave her and her alone. Her enemies will be utterly destroyed. I also pray that the United States wakes up again and realizes that we have a special job to back Israel in her endeavors to follow God’s will. God bless Israel and protect her in these perilous times. Amen. Texans for Israel

  3. Stan I totally agree with you. I am so sick and tired of Christian constantly telling me with a sense of selfrightousness that Israel will have to go through Jacobs Trouble” because God has still to judge her. My heart is so much for the ‘Settlers’ who even by their own people are being so vilified. With prayers and intercession, protesting to our government and lobbying our MP’s we try put Israels case forward and I am deeply grieved about the vote last night in the House of Parlament. The UK is becoming a very dangerous place. Could it be that Gods judgment has already started on this naion, I mean the UK.

  4. all of us are not asleep at the wheel, I cannot tell you how many letters I have written to different Senators and Congressmen and the President, some have responded , and some have not. I have always been a big defender of Israel and its people and always will be.

  5. Once again, Stan, you nailed it. I read awhile back about a young Palestinian Christian who, by her public pronouncements, displayed the kind of Christian Zionism that has been so watered down by so many in the west.

  6. Apart from praying, Stan, and trusting that God is in control and will be faithful to His Word concerning Israel in these last days, what can we do? I Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and have 2 websites devoted to Israel . . . one, specifically about Israel’s God Given Right to Her Land. That, plus my tears, daily shed for Her, is all I have to give at this point. I feel really, really small . . .

  7. Jesus will never be defeated by either man nor by fallen angels. As His word declares what He has said will be shall be accomplished. He is the beginning and the end of everything and all earthly history. It behoves us to choose the winning side.

  8. Well said Stan…Thanks for the reminder to continuously pray for the peace of Jerusalem and all Israel.
    May the Lord be glorified in His chosen Land in spite of the enemy’s efforts!

  9. Stan, just to amend my comment, I totally understand that it’s not enough to ” just” intercede. If we call ourselves true Biblical Zionists we need to put actions to our hearts cries.
    Unfortunately for my husband and myself as we are unable to leave our home and because since we both became too ill to fellowship and because Christians seemed to forget we exist, we are alone with our Lord, His word and the Internet.
    If circumstances were different we would put our feet , hands and voices to work for His purpose (and have often lamented the fact that we can’t do more than read and intercede), however God has blessed us with the ability to do what we can through intercession for His beloved people and the Land He gave to them as a perpetual inheritance.
    Thank you again for sounding the alarm!

  10. Stan,

    What a truthful and completely needed reminder to we Christians who support Israel! You said in this article “This, then, my brothers and sisters, is where we have fallen flat on our faces.”

    Flat on our faces is indeed where we need to be – in repentance and prayer for doing our own type of “exchanging land for peace”. In the case of we Christians, we try to rationalize why G-d is not operating as we think He surely will. We forget HE is God and has His plans which are higher than any human can ever think of. Instead of standing without condition with our Jewish/Israeli friends, we make conditions. By doing so, we are giving away land (faith) for our own type of internal peace. Is it not the same faith Israeli had to have in G-d to be restored to His land that Israel must have (and indeed many DO have), to continue to live on the land He has given them? Where, then, is OUR faith in the Lord?

    I pray to be more faithful to the Lord and less prideful in my own wants.

  11. Stan, as always you unwaveringly speak the Truth!
    My husband and myself still read your articles but long ago we gave up even reading the comments ( we rarely comment on any posts anywhere), as they almost always ended up with people sprouting off exactly as you have described in your article. Well meaning I’m sure, but so often so far removed and distracted from our true mandate.
    We are physically housebound due to illness / disability and can’t even get involved in a fellowship here however we quietly go about our God given duty to intercede for our Jewish family to never concede their God given land and for their eyes to be opened to see and know Yeshua as their true Messiah.
    There is no way that we are the only ones so be assured that there are Christians ” out there” who have not strayed from their God given mandate.
    Whilst your article is spot on and extremely timely and urgent, be assured that God hasn’t dropped the ball either and He has his ( maybe hidden) ones who are still faithfully carrying out our true mandate to be Biblical Zionists.
    Thank you and God bless you Stan for posting this extremely important article! A true watchman on the wall!

  12. Keep writing Stan. Keep talking. Stay faithful in your calling. Let the Christian world hear and… our LORD hear your unmatched sound. May these words go forth to accomplish and prosper in the thing for which they are sent. All praise to the God of Israel!!!

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